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Dermatosis papulosa nigra (DPN) is a benign skin condition that affects people with darker skin tones. It is characterized by small, benign (non-cancerous) growths on the skin, typically on the face and neck. These growths, which are also known as seborrheic keratoses, are typically brown or black in color and can range in size from a few millimeters to a few centimeters. DPN is a benign condition and does not pose a health risk, but some people may choose to have the growths removed for cosmetic reasons.
Electrodessication is a treatment option for DPN that involves the use of a small, needle-like device to destroy the growths. The procedure is performed by a trained and licensed medical professional, such as a dermatologist or a plastic surgeon. A local anesthetic is typically used to numb the treatment area. The device is then used to destroy the growths by delivering a small electrical current to the skin. The treatment takes only a few minutes to complete and is generally well-tolerated, with most people experiencing only minor discomfort.
After the procedure, the treatment area may be red and swollen, and may blister or form a scab. These side effects typically resolve within a few days to a week. Most people see improvement in the treated area within a few weeks to a few months.
Electrodessication is a safe and effective treatment option for DPN. Contact us today for a consultation, to determine if electrodessication is right for you.
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